It doesnt even work well at all I have no idea how to use it and it was just a freaking waster of my time... Save 10 minutes and DONT DOWNLOAD THIS STUPID APP
It doesnt even work well at all I have no idea how to use it and it was just a freaking waster of my time... Save 10 minutes and DONT DOWNLOAD THIS STUPID APP
you cant even tune the ukulele with this app???? it is awful
1) no sound on phone but will have sound if I connect to Bluetooth. 2) wish it will show on phone if the string Im tuning was good (green) or off (red).
It looks good but half the chords are missing. You cant do much without the flat and sharp chords!!
great for beginners, you can make sure you are in tune and learn chords. super helpful. I really recommend if you are semi new to the uke☺️
Everything is nice so far except I was going to upgrade, but I have no idea how much the full version costs.
Only get all the chords in pro so Im pretty limited. But before I had a tuner it was really helpful and its been nice to have the chords off hand. It would be nice if they just kept building to it. Id buy it if it was my go to resource for all of the notes on the fret board and other basic learning for the ukulele.
It has a tuner and shows chords! I use this app more than anything else on my phone
My new uke needs to be tuned consistently -I wouldnt be able to learn without this app!! Love it.
Searched everywhere for an easy to use uke tuner and chord chart. Found it all in one app! Very happy!
The tuner is great! Simple and straightforward. The chord charts would be better if they included half steps to the sharp or flat versions. You can figure them out but it would nice to have them. Thanks!
I dont find this app easy to use. There is no help suggestion either.
Literally, life saver. LIFE SAVER. Do NOT change a THING about this app!!! (Other than adding more chord charts, of course). But seriously, this app is P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Looking for a ukulele tuner? Look NO further!
This app is pretty cool and I like that you can do more than one thing with it but you shouldnt have to pay for more cords to listen to because I was looking for more cords to learn and listen to the sound of it but I dont want to spend money on it.
I wish it was around when I was learning to play guitar!
Easy to follow. Great help
Need to learn and get it tuned up for the first time. App will become less useful over time as chords get memorized, maybe you can add standard chord progressions or songs to keep us coming back. For starters like me its the perfect companion. Thx!
as someone who just started playing the ukulele, I find this app really helpful. the tuning is great and the chord charts are an extra bonus! it should be noted that your phone has to be off vibrate for it to work, it doest work with just the volume up.
It is a really good app, I am loving it! I think it is easy to use and its fun.
This is the worst uke tuner ever never get this app I had a performance and got thrown off the stage I asked why they said I was getting complaints that I was out of tune